Toby's Turntable

May 29, 2013

Latest Post The Hound of the Baskervilles by Owen Soule

Finally!  The much anticipated turntable of my ZBrush model "Guard Duty" featuring everyone's favorite heavy drinking reenactor, Toby, is complete!   Bask in it's warm glow and witness the transformation from humble wireframe, to full resolution scuplt in grey clay, to the completed color version as seen in Dia de los Hops:

This turntable puts a cork in the "Guard Duty" project, now I'm off to the quagmire of rigging Licorice Merlin in an attempt to resolve a strange leg issue. I may write more on this subject in a few days, but for now the pain is too near...

Owen Soule

Published May 29, 2013