Who can explain the allure of the voodoo doll?
Maybe the misshapen forms, uneven button eyes, and stitched mouths make us think of sinister forces that threaten to ensnare us, stirring up a Halloween-like mix of equal parts fear and fun? Or maybe it’s the fact that they represent supernatural powers that transcend physical laws, political realities, or psychological states?
Voodoo dolls are tangible objects that could be made out of anything: wood, cloth, Spanish moss, yarn, clay, metal - the options are endless. They can delight the senses, are fun to hold and decorate, and might even scare off ill-intentioned colleagues if you hang one up in your cube at work. Magic or no magic, a cool-looking voodoo doll has a positive effect on us.
If we dig deeper, maybe a doll's tangibility gives us a focus for our hopes, representing the wonderful idea that the results we long for will be equally tangible. So, in effect, when we pick up a voodoo doll, we feel we are literally taking power into our own hands!
But I won’t get carried away. Hopefully, it’s the *good* kind of power.
As I mentioned in my previous post where I first shared some doll prototypes, my recent creations feel more equipped for a cuddle session than anything remotely harmful. Plus, I got some other nice benefits: 1) I put leftover quilted fabric to good use, and 2) I have some new items to add to the Hemlock Hut store.
And, if I do need an outlet for catharsis, I can do it without getting my hands dirty :-)
So here’s some pics of the brood.
I rushed to get these guys finished since I’d like to have them available for the upcoming Media Art & Craft fair (that is, if I’m able to reserve a booth)
UPDATE: These are now available at the Etsy store so check them out!
SEE MORE: I’ve started a voodoo doll Pinterest board if you’d like to see some truly amazing examples of this art form.
Initially conceived as a venue to document some home improvement projects, this blog has since expanded into other pursuits including anything from jewelry to art appreciation to textiles.
Art and art-making have always been an important part of my life. I believe there is therapeutic power in one’s own imagination, and it can be tapped through any kind of beautiful ‘object of meditation’. Whether in the form of music, photos, a good story, or the things only Mother Nature can take credit for, art nurtures our brains and souls. Like spirituality, art may not be necessary for survival but it definitely makes life worth living. Happy imagining!